Enjoy Winters With Brewing A Cup Of Assam Tea


Most people like to start their days with a hot cup of tea. Assam tea is one of the most popular teas, which is used in many tea blends and is noted for its malty flavour. If you like the sharp flavour, full body, and rich colour of black tea, Assam tea might be the beverage for you. It is popular as a breakfast tea and gets its name from the Indian state of Assam. Purchase TeaValley tea, which produces the best quality tea in India with different types of tea flavours, to experience the true flavour of India's best chai.

What Differentiates Assamese Tea From Others?

Assam tea, a traditional black tea grown in India's Assam area, is used to make breakfast teas, including English, Irish, and Earl Grey. Assam tea, a kind of black tea, is produced from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. In the far northeastern corner of the country, near Bangladesh, Myanmar, and China, is where Assam tea is produced in India.

The flavour of Assam tea is most strongly associated with morning teas, particularly Irish breakfast tea, which is most likely to be made solely of Assam tea. Assam tea has a ruby red to deep amber tint when it is brewed, depending on what time of year it was harvested.

India is the home of Assam tea, which is why it is so unique. The major product produced from it is black tea. At the beginning of the global tea trade, only China was in charge of producing and processing tea. Due to their difficult relationship, the British Empire was compelled to buy all of its tea from this country.

Assam Tea's Origins And History :

Intriguingly, India only recently started cultivating tea. In particular, the first tea plantation was built in the colonial era in 1836. Many things have changed since then. With a contribution of about 50% to India's total tea production, Assam is the world's largest tea-growing region. Robert Bruce, a Scottish explorer, discovered tea in Assam in 1823. The first Assamese tea farmer, Maniram Dewan, assisted him in this endeavour. As a result, Robert Bruce directed the first tea plantations in Assam. The first tea plantations were established in China. Following China, tea cultivation gradually extended to many other countries, such as Japan, Sri Lanka, India, etc.

The Nutrients In Assam Tea :

Assam tea has between 60 and 112 mg of caffeine per cup (240 ml), depending on how long it is brewed. Comparatively, 240 ml of freshly brewed coffee contains 100–150 mg of caffeine (14). Caffeine use of up to 400 mg daily is typically not linked to adverse health effects.

Important Health Advantages Of Assam Tea :

Assam produces the most tea in the world because the soil there is perfect for growing tea. For Assam tea, the world market has a distinct personality. Legend states that tea was the primary factor in the British decision to deploy the railroad through Assam in 1885. Now, let's look at the benefits of Assam tea for your health:

May encourage health:

The body's natural inflammatory response plays a significant role in developing many chronic illnesses. Flavonoids and catechins, two types of antioxidants found in black tea, work to combat free radicals, which can damage cells, create inflammation, and hasten ageing. Therefore, consuming Assam tea may aid in the prevention of any disorders linked to this issue.

Could improve heart health: 

There is some evidence that the polyphenols in Assam tea reduce the risk of cardiac conditions like atherosclerosis. It might help lower risky cholesterol levels and stop plaque from building up inside blood vessels. It might shield people from heart attacks, cardiovascular diseases, and strokes.

Lowering the risk of cancer:

Please keep in mind that much of the research into the potential cancer-prevention benefits of tea is still in its early phases. However, some evidence indicates that eating Assam tea daily may aid in preventing several malignancies, including skin and lung cancer. 

Possible prevention of brain ageing: 

It is believed that specific enzymes have a role in the decline seen in Alzheimer's disease. Black tea may suppress these enzymes, according to certain research. As a result, they might be able to prevent the disease from spreading or at least delay its onset. More work needs to be done in this area. 

May reduce the chance of cavities:

Assam tea's components can also help fight against the bacterium that causes tooth cavities. Consequently, you may be able to improve your overall oral health by regularly drinking Assam tea.


Assam is one of the best healthy tea and a wholesome beverage. It is better for your daily caffeine fix than coffee, sugary colas, or highly caffeinated energy beverages. It also has several health benefits, is easily produced, and is readily available. Try Assam black tea for its aroma, flavour, and health benefits. One of the premium blend tea , Tea Valley, uses only 100% premium Assam tea that has been hand-picked. Tea Valley produces various types of tea blends, all of which maintain the authentic flavour of Assam tea leaves. Tea Valley must be the best option if you're looking for healthy tea brands.


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